SW200XL Water Conditioner FAQ’s

SW200XL Water Conditioner FAQ’s

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Does the SW200XL remove bacteria from water?
A. Yes. The SW200XL is capable of filtering out bacteria with the special 2 micron filter cartridge. The special design bacteriostatic cartridge is effective at reducing microbial growth and capable of dealing with the Legionellahumidaceae bacterium.

Q. Is the SW200XL suitable for use with private well water?
A. No. The SW200XL is designed specifically to filter and condition already treated water coming from Municipal or Group Water Schemes where chlorine is used to treat the water for human consumption.

Q. Does the Silkwater SW200XL use Carbon to remove Chlorine from the water?
A. No. Most typical whole-house water filters use a carbon media which will remove almost all of the chlorine in the water. However, once the chlorine has been removed, your water supply is still vulnerable to bacteria or dangerous microorganisms that may reside in the plumbing system within the house. This means that as the water is going through the pipes, it may still collect whatever germs are in them. Because the SW200XL Water Conditioner Ultra is able to filter out the combined chlorine and leave in the more effective free chlorine, as the water travels through your pipes it is still able to kill any bacteria or germs that may have settled in the pipes, no matter what faucet they lead to. This ensures you that your water will always be germ free. But, not only is the water germ free, it is also healthier. When removing the hardness from the water, the SW200XL Water Conditioner Ultra leaves in essential minerals that other salt based water softeners or activated carbon filters take out.

Q. We have a lot of iron in our water, Will the SW200XL solve our problem?
A. Yes.

Q. How does the SW200XL work?
A. Inside the SW200XL Water Conditioner Ultra there are a different components including a multi-filter system. The 25 micron stainless steel filter and a cartridge for reducing hardness. The cartridge sits inside the stainless steel filter. As water enters the unit it sprays through the cartridge. During this spray, the water passes over the crystals that modify the crystalline structure of the minerals that cause the problems of hard water. The water then sprays through the stainless steel filter. The filter’s advanced patented design, removes the combined chlorine leaving you with the more effective free chlorine. Combined chlorine does not disinfect very well, and can be very dangerous for people with compromised immune systems. By leaving in the free chlorine, it ensures you that your water is always germ free.
* It is important to note that the SW200XL Water Conditioner Ultra is meant for treated municipal water only. It is not meant for water that is considered to be microbiologically unsafe (such as untreated well water).

Q. Is the SW200XL suitable for use with untreated water from a private well?
A. No. The SW200XL is designed specifically to filter and condition already treated water coming from Municipal, Group Water Schemes or Public Water Supplies where chlorination disinfection is used to treat the water for human consumption (potable water).

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